About Me

tl;dr: hello, I'm confused.jpg. I talk to computers and sometimes they talk back. yours could talk back too, for the very low price of my survival! if you really need to reach me, email is your best option. I'm a student from the Republic of Moldova (small, lovely Eastern European country; you're more than welcome to visit!), currently living in France. I'm studying for a Computer Science BSc (September 2023-now). At the time of writing this, I spend a lot of time playing around with C, Python, and Dart (which can go hand-in-hand with Flutter for beautiful cross-platform apps). I also have some experience in web dev (HTML + CSS + JS, the golden trio), but I don't give it nearly as much attention as it needs, so it's more like a hobby? (see for yourself, this page is coded by hand, continuously updated, and hosted on Github). I love experimenting and trying new things all the time. My main interest and daily activies point to software engineering. I'm equally interested in frontend and backend: at my eyes, software has to be both functional and pleasing to the eyes. In addition to that: safe, concise, and readable code is not an option but a requirement (don't quote me on that). On a separate note, I'm highly interested in cybersecurity. Although I'm still very much a beginner. As for hobbies, I enjoy reading, playing the piano and treating myself to some video games when I can. But the thing I do most is learning new stuff, about anything really.

I also enjoy learning new languages. Romanian is my native language. I can speak English and French on a fluent level (both in a casual and professional context), and I'm currently focusing on Japanese. There are a few other languages (Russian, Spanish, German, Finnish, Polish and Latin) which span from basic sentence structure with a pinch of vocabulary, to a broken conversational level. However, these aren't languages I'm exposed to on a daily basis, nor do I focus on them extensively; which means they're just patiently stagnating for now. You think I can help you with a development project? Wanna help me pay my bills? [sigh] Or... just wanna chat? Feel free to contact me using any method I've linked around here, I'm always open to communication! Thanks for passing by!


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designed with <3 by me and my brain